All Categories > Businesses > 6. Product & services > Tabby Ads > Getting started
With Tabby Ads you can currently create two types of ads. A banner ad simply highlights your brand, while a deal ad will highlight a specific deal you want to promote, including a coupon code. Tabby…
Updated 2 years ago by Tabby FZ LLC
Tabby Ads is an advertising platform where businesses can set up and run ads within the Tabby app. Merchants can control their own budget, bid price, run time, audience, and creatives to ensure their…
Updated 2 years ago by Faisal Alarifi
Tabby ads is currently only available to select retailers. Those retailers will find Tabby Ads in the Merchant Portal. We will soon be opening up Tabby Ads to more retailers.
Within your Tabby merchant account two users will have access to Tabby Ads: Workspace admin. Admin. The workspace admin can invite more users to the account to get started with Tabby Ads.
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