All Categories > Businesses > 3. Partner growth
Tabby currently operates in KSA, UAE, Bahrain, and Qatar and thus can only serve customers with legal residence in of these countries. We are always looking to expand to other countries and we’ll kee…
Updated 6 months ago
Yes, absolutely! Provide us with your logo and a brand image and we’ll get you setup. Also, please speak to your account manager about our different partnership options.
Updated 2 years ago by Faisal Alarifi
We provide our in-store merchants with a variety of display material to market Tabby across the shoppers journey in the physical store. Please speak to your account manager about in-store material.
Tabby sets your store limit based on the average basket size seen in your store with an additional buffer to accommodate for those bigger purchases. Depending on the repayment history we see with you…
Updated 2 years ago
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