Why did I not receive cashback?

If you made a purchase and don’t see cashback earned in your account, it may be due to one of these reasons:

1. You might not have started your shopping journey on Tabby’s website or app. Unfortunately, if you did not click through to the store of choice via Tabby before making the order, we will not be able to track your order and thus no cashback can be earned.

2. Your order(s) was/were made less than 72 hours ago. Cashback takes up to 72 hours (and in some cases, longer) to be processed and reflected in your account. An SMS will be sent to notify you of your successful cashback. Alternatively, you can check your Tabby account under the “My cashback” tab after 72 hours.

3. You have made purchases on ineligible store categories or products. Some stores limit cashback to certain categories or products. You may have purchased an item that’s not cashback eligible. To see a store’s eligible categories, check its store page on our site or app.

4. You have ad blockers/unblockers applied to your browsers or were not completely disabled when purchasing.

5. You used a coupon or voucher code. there could be conflicts between Tabby Cashback and the discounts offered by other sites, exclusive emails or rewards programs.

6. You clicked on a third-party offer/advertisement link before or during your purchase process.


7. You manually modified the website link used in the purchase process.

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